Monday, October 7, 2013

Persuasive Essay

I want my paper to be a persuasive essay just to prove a major point on why the health of children's teeth and gums is so important. I want it to be like the modest proposal in away so it is like sarcastic humor. So that it proves my point in a humorous way. I also want to involve some kind of law or medical funding that includes free health care to children until the age of 8 years.


Who needs teeth anyways

      As for some of you may not know, but I am a RDA (Registered Dental Assistant) at a pediatric dental office in cool springs. I love my job and I absolute love working with kids. What I love most about kids is how honest they are and they do not even mean to be. So it breaks my heart when kids come into the dental office and have to have so much work done on their teeth, because their parents don't make them brush them or take proper care of their teeth till about the age of 8 years.
     The other part I love about my job is I just love teeth in general I think everyone should have a bright white smile and straight teeth one of the first things you look at on someone is their teeth and smile and I like that I get to help children at a young age learn how important it is to take care of your teeth because once a tooth get so large of a cavity its gone there nothing you can do to get that tooth back.
    So my modest proposal shall be free dental care for children until the age of 8 years. Because this is when most of their permanent  teeth shall have erupted and they have full function motor skills at this age of for most children.


Monday, September 23, 2013

Putting the Puzzle Together

There are many things in life that do not work if you choice not to follow what society wants. The major one that I want to discuss on is college education. Growing up I was never given the option on if I want to go to college after I got out of high school. It was just assumed and the pressure was on me from my parents and teachers to go to college. Thankfully I have never had a issue with all the pressure and I have always wanted to attend college after high school, so therefore I did.

This is my third year of college and I could not be happier with where I am at with school and how far I have come it is really such an amazing feeling to be furthering my education.

Now when it comes to society and trying to find a job these days its almost a must to have some kind of education. If you do not have a degree most employers will not even take the time to hear what you know or have to say. Unless you plan on having a minimum wage paying job. So not having a college degree just does not work out with what society wants these days. As well as people in society look down on those who do not have a degree or have not attend(attending) college.


Monday, September 16, 2013


      There always a small line between knowing if your plagiarizing or not. So for the most part I just try to think is this my own thought or is this someone else thought. If I find that it is someone else then I take the next step of citing that source. An easy way of telling if you plagiarize or not is if you use a direct quote from someone and you do not cite that source. Also if you do not cite a source correctly that as well is consider plagiarizing.


     To my knowledge I have not plagiarized. I always tend to be extremely cautions when it comes to using other peoples words and quotes. I also tend to check over my citations numerous times before I print or send of the final copy of my paper.



The start to English 1020

     English 1010 was quit a breeze for me. My teacher only had us write one research paper a week. On Tuesday we get our assignment and have to have our rough draft by the beginning of class on Thursday. Which on Thursday he would read over our rough draft and then we have to have our final draft by the next Tuesday. That is all I did in English 1010.
     The following semester I took English 1020 (not this class this is my second attempt at English 1020). It was totally different from my English 1010 class I was so lost for most of the class, and I just could not seem to get what he wanted me to write my papers about. I would spend days and days writing and rewriting getting people to look over my papers to try and receive a decent grade. But after all this I would still make c's on all my papers. Well for my fellow nursing students know a C average in a class is not going to get you into the nursing program. So now im here taking English 1020 for the second time, I hope to get it right this time!
     In my entire life I've always struggled with grammar, to me it is very hard to comprehend. I believe I am this way because I've honestly never had a teacher really go over all the grammar rules in detail. When I was younger my mom would try to help me with grammar, but I could just never catch on. So this semester in this English 1020 class I would really love to just learn how to write a descent well put together paper, and also just to further my knowledge with grammar.